Category: General

Grad Hoodies! Get Ready Grade 8’s! This is Your Year!

The school year is finally upon us, and for many parents/guardians, we’re sure that it’s difficult to believe that your child is in their final year here at St. Jerome. Part of the way that we have celebrated this milestone in the past is by providing every student with the opportunity to purchase a graduation hoodie or t-shirt that they can wear throughout the school ... Continue reading "Grad Hoodies! Get Ready Grade 8’s! This is Your Year!"

Spirit Wear

A great way to kick start the new year is with SPIRIT WEAR!

We are very excited this year to offer the opportunity to purchase St. Jerome Spirit Wear through our dedicated E-store. 

We will have a web campaign starting September 9th, 2022 – September 16th, 2022. Orders placed during this period will be delivered at no charge to the school ... Continue reading "Spirit Wear"

Welcome Back Lions!

The staff at St. Jerome are looking forward to welcoming their newest cubs to our school and welcoming back their lions!  We hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable summer break!  Our first day of school is Wednesday, September 7th.  Parents and Guardians, please refer to the email sent on September 1st outlining pertinant information and details.

This year, our ... Continue reading "Welcome Back Lions!"

Summer Blessing

Wishing our St. Jerome community a safe, healthy, and memorable summer! 




Summer Blessing

Go now, children, and know that the Spirit of Jesus will be watching over you. Go now and enjoy God’s summer gifts of warm sun, cooling waters, and long, light days. Go now, children, with ... Continue reading "Summer Blessing"

Catholic Education Week

We are celebrating Catholic Education Week!  It is an opportunity for us to acknowledge the good work and hope of Catholic education now and in the future.  Our theme this year is Rebuild, Restore, and Renew Together. This week is also Children’s Mental Health Week.  We have created a plan that incorporates our spiritual growth along with supporting our mental health and well-being.

Chocolate Fundraiser For St. Jerome!

Our school is excited to launch its first main fundraiser in years!  Fundraising for our school makes many things possible! It helps us to enhance our technology needs, make improvements to our playground, continue to grow our library commons plan, offer student activities such as guest speakers, as well as support our grade 8 graduation. We would like to make the process as easy as ... Continue reading "Chocolate Fundraiser For St. Jerome!"