Category: General

Luke 4:18 Mitten & Hat Drive

St. Jerome is participating in the Hat and Mitten drive. We are only accepting new/unused items. All donations are being donated to the Yellow Brick House. Our Drive will run from December 5th-9th! 

Join us in making a difference in our community and helping families in need to stay warm and know that others care!

Santa Claus is Coming to St. Jerome!

At St. Jerome, we are beginning to make things merrier and brighter as we prepare for Christmas. We are excited to announce this festive photo opportunity!  Santa Claus is coming to St. Jerome on Thursday, December 8th for any interested students/siblings to have their photos taken with jolly St. Nick. Thank you to Brightpics Photography for offering their services to make ... Continue reading "Santa Claus is Coming to St. Jerome!"

Introducing Our New Catholic School Council for 2022-2023!

We would like to take this opportunity to announce our Catholic School Council for the 2022-2023 school year.  We are excited to come together as a community in support of our school.

Caroline Angheloni~Chair

Sandra Muzzi Pedota~Co-Chair

Margaret Bacchus~Secretary

Lindsay Parsons~Treasurer

Jacqueline Bianchi~Parish Representative

Jacqueline Bianchi~OAPCE Representative

Karen Bondy~Teacher Representative ... Continue reading "Introducing Our New Catholic School Council for 2022-2023!"


It’s time to shake, rattle, and roll on Monday, October 31st!

Our major fundraiser is a chance for students (JK-8) to dress in costume and dance in the gym!  Students are encouraged to obtain donations and all proceeds will go to our school! Students are to follow our costume guidelines.  There are early bird prizes held on October 14th and 28th.  ... Continue reading "Dance-A-Thon!"