Category: General

Christmas Blessings

Wishing our St. Jerome school community hope, peace, joy, and love this Christmas and always.  Together we were able to support the charity, Rose of Sharon with donations for young mothers and children in need.  We celebrated the season by giving and coming together for an Advent mass.  Kindergarten students opened their classroom doors to their parents and had a family Advent gathering ... Continue reading "Christmas Blessings"

Student Council~Hearts of Courage!

Our Student Council is off to an excellent start this year.  Here are a few of their initiatives:

  • One day, each month, students from our Council will be organizing themed “Spirit Days”.  These one-day events have been inspired by the message behind our virtue of the month. Co-operative games and activities will be organized for students during lunch recess. A great way
  • ... Continue reading "Student Council~Hearts of Courage!"

Advent Mass

As we prepare our hearts for Christmas, we will be celebrating Mass in our school gym on Wednesday, December 6th at 10:15 a.m. Father John Bertao from Our Lady of Grace Church will be our celebrant.  We look forward to welcoming our Parents, Guardians, and Grandparents to our school so we can all celebrate together.


Our Catholic School Council is excited to kick off our 2023 SPOOK-A-Thon.  This is one of our major fundraisers for the year.  Students from Kindergarten to grade 8 will dance in our gym and have a chance to win some amazing prizes.  All proceeds will be used to benefit students directly!  Our goal is to raise $12,000.00!  Let’s work together to reach our target!  ... Continue reading "SPOOK-A-Thon!"

Welcome to Our New CSC!

We are happy to announce our Catholic School Council for the 2023-2024 school year.

Welcome to the team!

Chair-Sandra Muzzi-Pedota

Co-Chair-Caroline Angheloni

Treasurer-Lindsay Parsons

Secretary-Samantha Ferazzoli

OAPCE and Parish Rep-Jacqueline Bianchi

Teaching Rep-Karen Bondy

Parent Representatives: Maria Valle, Graziella Risi, Hailey Dewar, Michael Walters, Paul Oyewole, Nadia Roney ... Continue reading "Welcome to Our New CSC!"

The Special Education Advisory Committee

What is SEAC?

The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) is a group that provides important advice on 

special education to the York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB).  It is comprised of representatives

from the Board of Trustees, local agencies and associations that further the well-being of exceptional 

students in the YCDSB.  SEAC makes recommendations on matters affecting ... Continue reading "The Special Education Advisory Committee"