Category: General

A Thank You to Our Sponsors

We would like thank and highlight our sponsors who contributed to Spring Fling this year. With their generosity and support, we were able to achieve our goals to purchase our Water Bottle Filling Stations and contribute to our Library Commons Project.

Many thanks to the following local business and families:

STARSKY FINE FOODS – Donated all sausages.

REAL CANADIAN ... Continue reading "A Thank You to Our Sponsors"

Thank you Parent Community at SJE for Spring Fling!!!

From the staff and students at St. Jerome Catholic School:

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Catholic School Council and the many parent volunteers that made Spring Fling happen!

The weather was gorgeous and the energy electric. From slushies to games to inflatables every minute was well thought out for the fun, safety and enjoyment ... Continue reading "Thank you Parent Community at SJE for Spring Fling!!!"