Category: General

Learning Skills Achievement Awards TERM 1

Now that Term 1 has come to an end and we are well into Term 2, we took time to acknowledge students who have set goals and made improvements in their Learning Skills. The six learning skills and work habits are responsibility, organization, independent work, collaboration, initiative, and self-regulation. According to the Ontario Ministry of Education and The Growing Success document, “The development of learning ... Continue reading "Learning Skills Achievement Awards TERM 1"

Play Leaders

At St. Jerome we are proud to announce that we have activated a PLAY LEADERS program. PLAY training can help students learn about leadership, respect, conflict resolution, communication, bullying prevention, role modeling positive behaviour, and learn skills to promote physical literacy and physical activity at school. The program also promotes positive mental health and well-being through regular physical activity and an increased sense of community ... Continue reading "Play Leaders"


On January 23rd we celebrate our students receiving their Confirmation at Our Lady of Grace Parish.

Confirmation is an essential part of Christian Initiation. In Confirmation the bishop seals us, the baptized, with the Gift of the Holy Spirit. This sacrament is intended to:

York Region Public Health Newsletter

St. Jerome was highlighted in the recent York Region Public Health newsletter.  We are so proud of our accomplishments that we just had to share!  We wanted to highlight two important initiatives; the continual benefit we receive by using our very own WOW Room and the LEAD ON workshop that our students were able to attend!

St. Jerome Catholic Elementary School works ... Continue reading "York Region Public Health Newsletter"

WOW Student Mental Health Committee

We are Working On Wellness with a new student mental health committee!

We are launching our student committee on January 24th (Bell Let’s Talk Day) when our school will be wearing blue to beat the blues!  They will be active in bringing mental health awareness to the forefront.  This group of dedicated students will be posting inspirational messages throughout the school, ... Continue reading "WOW Student Mental Health Committee"

Cookies & Coffee Fundraiser

St. Jerome’s Catholic School Council will be launching a Terra Cotta Cookie dough and Muskoka Coffee fundraiser from Monday, January 22, 2024, to Tuesday, February 5, 2024. The money raised will be used to support school-wide initiatives. Please help us with our campaign!

Cookie Dough Fundraiser: You are encouraged to send out our custom link. Our school link will open as ... Continue reading "Cookies & Coffee Fundraiser"