Introducing the SJE Student Council!

We are proud to launch the St. Jerome Student Council comprised of students in grades 6, 7 & 8.  Providing leadership opportunities and an active role in the involvement of decisions, activities, and events within our school.  It is known that student success and a smooth transition to secondary school are often linked to participation in clubs, teams, and councils.  We would like to provide such an opportunity so students can further develop necessary skills such as; leadership, communication, teamwork, organization, time management, and public speaking. We are looking forward to the energy, enthusiasm, and ideas these students will bring to our school.


Co-President~Julia D., Co-President~Fiona B., Vice-President ~Olivia P., Secretary~Jayde S., Spirit Leader~Cassandra L., Faith Ambassador~Anthony B., Grade 6 Grade Rep~Israel E., Grade 7 Grade Rep~Oscar C., Grade 8 Grade Rep~Nathan B.

“The position doesn’t make the person, the person makes the position”