Outdoor Play & Inclement Weather Procedures

With the winter season upon us, this is a reminder to parents and guardians that students are to dress appropriately for outdoor play. Remember to wear a warm coat, hat, mittens and proper footwear. Many of our students are often getting their pants and socks wet during recesses and need an extra change of clothing. Please ensure that your child has an extra pair of pants, and socks at school in case of a wet or muddy emergency. Please review with your child the importance of keeping snow and ice on the ground so that everyone has fun in the snow.  In agreement with the CSC, students will go outside for recess unless it is -20 degrees celsius or at principal discretion. Thank you for your support.

NEW this season are our REVISED INCLEMENT WEATHER PROCEDURES. This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the YCDSB Inclement Weather Procedure must change based on direction from York Region Public Health.

What’s new?
If buses and other forms of school transportation are cancelled due to inclement weather, all schools will be closed to students. DO NOT bring your child to school. All students are to remain at home and access remote learning for the day. Teachers will provide live remote learning for all students through their virtual classrooms.

Please refer to the attachment for further details.

Revised Inclement Weather Procedure