It is with excitement and enthusiasm that we inform you that St. Jerome has been chosen to become an Activate Aurora School.

Activate Aurora is an Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) funded cross-sectional Program designed to make Aurora Canada’s Most Active Community.  Endorsed by the Mayor’s Task Force on Physical Activity, this program includes local School Boards, the Municipality, York Region Public Health, Sport Aurora, Seneca College, Southlake Hospital and the Canadian Sport for Life Society.

Schools are recognized as the place where children grow and learn and the school environment is the best place to encourage healthy physical activity and healthy habits that can extend to the family and the community.  This is why an Activate Aurora School is a valuable part of any program attempting to bring healthy physical activity to a community.

Our kick off event will be Walk to School Day, on Wednesday, October 3rd, 2018.  Families are encouraged to walk their children to school on that day, if possible.  Please note that buses will run as usual, this is entirely optional. Students are encouraged to wear their St. Jerome Spirit Wear or red clothing.

Should your family choose to participate, Ms. Wright and some staff members will be conducting a “walking school bus”.  This is exactly as it sounds. You are invited to meet at the Optimist Park (the playground behind Northern Lights school on Birkshire Drive) for an 8:10 am “walking school bus” departure.  The group will then walk together along the sidewalk to St. Jerome School. If the “walking school bus” has departed please do not leave your child unsupervised. In the event of heavy rain, the walking school bus will be cancelled and events will take place in the gym.

Upon arrival at St. Jerome, all students will enter the school yard and be greeted by members of Activate Aurora. Keep a lookout for our new school mascot, Rory, who will make his first appearance! The morning will begin with a school-wide Zumba class led outside in the school yard.  Parents are welcome to join in the fun as well.

Yours in activity,

The St. Jerome Activate Aurora Committee

Walk to School Day 2018.pdf